Today is Sunday, July 31, 2011. This morning I preached at the Dallas Chinese Bible Church, in Richardson,TX. I had such a good time with my brothers and sisters there. I had the privilege of presenting both the children's sermon and "the other one". The children were full of energy and made me smile. At the conclusion of the service, a couple brought to me their Timothy, whom they'd adopted from Thailand. I had shared some stories of our own son Timothy and it was time to meet another. I nuzzled him and tickled his little belly and was flooded with memories of hugging and kissing my now 18-year-old Timothy.
Each time I am with children, I am reminded that we have a future. Those precious bundles of energy are not the church of tomorrow. They are a vital part of what we are today!
If you are with a child today, kiss him/her. A tickle wouldn't be a bad idea either.