Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Connecting the dots:London looters

As I write today, there is rioting and looting going on in London and neighborhoods near London. Those involved in this random destruction are citing injustice and economic disparity as justification for their actions. Yes, there has been an incident in which police shot a young man of color. Yes, there are wide gaps between the haves and the have nots or the have lesses. This writer wonders how burning a small independent dress shop or smashing the plate glass entry to a store solves the problem of police brutality. How does looting address economic woes? One commentator said the actions of these young rioters has more to do with lack of discipline and poor parenting than with anything else. I must take full responsibility for ALL my actions and blame nothing on the economy, "the system" "the man" or insufficient breast feeding and bonding with my mother. After the dust clears and the rubble is cleaned up, the looters will have to travel farther just to go to a grocery store. This, of course, is after they are released from jail.

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