Friday, October 28, 2011

In Time

Today I went to the movies and saw In Time. This fantasy film poses this question: Suppose time was our currency? In the film, people paid for goods and services by having minutes and hours deducted from an account that was kept on their arms. One would look at one's arm and say or think, "I have only a decade left". The film gave me a renewed appreciation for the time we have and gave me a renewed commitment to waste not one minute. If I were a sluggard, which I am not, this film would have been the kick in the rear necessary to get me moving.
The psalmist said that his times were in God's hands(Psalm 31:15)So are ours. If a room in a hotel were to cost me a month of my life or a bag of groceries were to cost me 10 hours, I would think seriously about every act and every purchase.While I am not counting down on some visible clock and have no idea of when my time is up, I must be a careful steward of the minutes, hours, days, months and years that I have left. Eugene Peterson, in The Message paraphrase of the bible, renders Ephesians 5:16 this way:"Make the most of every chance you get. These are desperate times!"
Not a bad idea. Let us live...In Time.

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